Stati Uniti – Chili rellenos

By | 30 Giugno 2003


Ingredienti: 12 peperoncini piccanti – 6 uova – 450 gr. di mozzarella o altro tip o di formaggio che fila – 140 gr. di farina – abbondante olio per friggere.

Arrostire i peperoni sotto il grill, rimuovere il picciuolo, togliere i semini interni e la pelle abbrustolita.

Farcirli con la mozzarella a pezzetti.

Montare i bianchi a neve ferma, aggiungere i rossi.

Passare i peperoncini nella farina e poi nelle uova.

Friggerli in olio caldissimo.

Scolarli su carta assobente e aggiustare di sale e pepe.

Possono essere serviti con sour cream o con guacamole.


Ingredients: 12 whole green chili peppers (4 to 6 inches long) fresh or canned- 1 lb Mozzarella or Cheddar Cheese- 6 eggs- 1 cup flour- 1 1/2 cups of cooking oil

Roast fresh chili peppers under the oven broiler and remove the skins. Cut the chili from the stem to the tip and remove the seeds.

Cut cheese into 12 strips.

Place flour on a plate.

Separate the yokes from the whites of the eggs. Beat the white of the eggs until firm. When egg whites are firm, add the yokes and mix. Put the oil in a pan and heat until the oil bubbles when you place the chili peppers in it.

Roll the chili peppers in flour and then the egg mixture. Fry the chili peppers until lightly brown.

Remove chili peppers from the pan and place on a paper towel to drain the oil. Serve warm with sour cream or guacamole on top.

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